The Marble Game
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- How many players: 2
- What you need: Marbles (Same number of marbles for each player)
- Game Objective: Obtain all marbles from your opponent! If you have all marbles total, you win.
- How to Play:
- Make sure you and your opponent have the same number of marbles each.
- You have 2 choices for how to play this game:
- Guessing Game
- You will grab either an even or odd amount of marbles and hide it in the palm of your hand. Do not let your opponent see!
- Your opponent will attempt to guess whether you are holding an even or odd number of marbles.
- If your opponent guesses correctly, you must hand all the marbles you are holding to your opponent.
- If your opponent guesses incorrectly, your opponent must hand you however many marbles you are holding.
- Continue to take turns guessing until someone obtains the total number of marbles.
- Whoever ends up with all marbles wins!
- Good luck! May the best guesser win (:
- Tossing Game
- Go outside in your backyard, nearby park with a playground or take a trip to the beach! Dig a small and shallow hole in the ground (sand will work best for this game)
- Pick a spot away from the hole where you will throw the marble from. Make sure it’s far enough away from the hole that it is challenging but not impossible (:
- Make sure you and your opponent have 10 marbles each.
- Take turns tossing one marble at a time into the hole! **YOU CANNOT ROLL THE MARBLE ON THE GROUND** (Rolling the marble is a violation!!)
- Whoever is the first one to have their marble land in the hole gets to keep all the marbles that have been tossed!!
- Continue to toss the marbles until one opponent has all 20 marbles!
- Whoever ends up with all 20 marbles wins!
- Good luck and have fun! (: